Installation and maintenance

Installation and maintenance of water treatment systems
Enjoy long-term healthy and safe water!
At Les Systèmes d’eau Eagle Rive-Sud Inc., our professionals will take care of the installation and maintenance of your device. Whether to eliminate contaminants or bacteria, a conditioner, reverse osmosis, a water softener, etc. custom installed, ensures excellent residential water.
The steps of installing conditioner, water softener, reverse osmosis, etc.
With our expertise in residential water treatment, we install reliable systems that eliminate all water problems.
Identify the water problem
Wondering why your water smells like rotten eggs, is hard, or even yellowish? Water analysis highlights the elements present in the water, thus ensuring your peace of mind and the health of your family. By identifying the water problem, we will be able to choose the best filtration system for your home.
Installation of conditioner, water softener, reverse osmosis, etc.
Our installations stand out for being simple and unrestrictive. To install the water treatment, we turn off the water supply and connect the pipes to ensure the system is watertight. We then make the electrical connection and program the water filtration device for optimal operation.
Choose the most suitable product
Whether you have a ferrous, sulfurous or hard water problem, we have the solution to ensure healthy water in your home. At Les Systèmes d’eau Eagle Rive-Sud, we offer a complete range of water treatment systems. The goal of all our filtration products is to restore the quality of your water.
Get pure and healthy water!
A water treatment system ensures impeccable water quality for you and your family. Eliminate contaminants and unwanted elements present in the water with our different water treatments! Get insightful advice by contacting our team today.
FAQs on installing water treatment systems
What guarantees are available for my conditioner?
We offer the largest range of parts and products with a lifetime warranty on the market, valid for the first buyer. This means that if you move, we can transfer your water treatment system to your new address. Additionally, our installation and labor are backed by a one-year warranty, giving you peace of mind.
What is included during installation?
The installation of your water filtration system is carried out by a company that holds the CMMTQ license. We ensure the proper functioning of the device and offer programming of the water treatment system. Our technicians schedule the conditioner regeneration time according to the time that suits you best. This programming avoids an interruption in fresh water production during peak hours.
How long can the installation of a filtration device take?
The time required to install a water filtration system depends on the type of device chosen. Typically, a setup can take 1 to 3 hours. Systems like carbon filters can be installed quickly. More complex systems may require a little more time.
Can I move my water system?
Yes! If the installation was carried out by our experts, you can move your device and keep your warranty. Our team also offers uninstallation and reinstallation service to ensure reliable installation of your water treatment system.
What type of salt should I use for my conditioner?
We recommend using a very clean salt with a salt content of around 99.5% like CristalPlus. Using impure salt could over time clog your water treatment device.
Should we add salt to the brine tank often?
The addition of salt depends on your water filtration system. The more frequently your conditioner or softener regenerates, the more salt it needs. During installation, discuss it with our experts to get the right idea.
How often should a water treatment system be maintained?
The frequency of maintenance depends on the type of water filtration system. For example, some softeners will require more frequent refilling than a higher quality system like a conditioner. For other devices, filters should be changed every 12 months based on the manufacturer’s recommendations. UV systems require periodic lamp replacement to maintain full efficiency.
What can I do to improve the longevity of my water softener?
Some good behaviors can be adopted to promote a better lifespan for your water filtration system. You can first clean the device once a year to remove any impurities that may accumulate there.
You can inspect your water treatment device to ensure that the system is working properly. The inspection also makes it possible to detect potential leaks or defects that could compromise the efficiency of the system.
Are the systems installed by certified people?
Les Systèmes d’eau Eagle Rive-Sud are certified by the Régie du logement du Québec (RBQ) and the Corporation of Master Pipe Mechanics of Quebec (CMMTQ).
What is the reverse osmosis process?
Reverse osmosis is a water purification process that uses a semi-permeable membrane to remove the majority of contaminants, including dissolved non-organic minerals. During this process, water is forced through a membrane under pressure, leaving impurities behind. The resulting water is therefore very pure and ideal.
How does a reverse osmosis membrane work?
Reverse osmosis is a water treatment process that removes contaminants by using pressure to force water molecules through a semi-permeable membrane. During this process, contaminants are filtered and removed, leaving pure, delicious drinking water. Reverse osmosis is capable of removing up to 99% of different contaminants, such as lead, arsenic, pesticides, fluoride, drugs, hormones, PFAS, chlorine and dissolved salts etc.
Should I be concerned that reverse osmosis systems are removing important minerals from my water?
No, because in Canada, water is a minimal source of minerals compared to food. According to Government of Canada guidelines, if you eat a reasonably balanced diet, you do not need to take mineral supplements when drinking reverse osmosis treated water.
Can a reverse osmosis system be connected to my refrigerator or ice maker?
Yes, all free of charge if the arrangement of your different devices allows it.
How often should filters be replaced for reverse osmosis?
For reverse osmosis systems, the filters must be changed every year and the membrane every three years.
The pressure of my reverse osmosis to decrease. What to do?
- Add air under the reverse osmosis water reserve, there is a valve (like on a bicycle tire) the pressure should be 7 pounds on average. If after filling with air, you do not notice any change, we will be happy to change your tank under warranty, because the latter is guaranteed for life to the first buyer. If in doubt please contact our service, 450 984-4414.
- The filters or the membrane is clogged, normal maintenance must be carried out every 12 months for the filters and every 36 months for the membrane. Please contact our service, 450 984-4414.
What is hard water?
Hard water has a high mineral content. Hard water minerals consist primarily of positively charged metal ions of calcium (Ca2+) and magnesium (Mg2+), and sometimes other dissolved compounds such as bicarbonates and sulfates. Slightly hard water contains 1 to 3.5 grains per gallon, medium hard 3.5 to 7 gpg, hard 7 to 10.5 gpg, and very hard 10.5 gpg and above.
How does a water conditioner and softener work?
The conditioner (high quality resin) and softener (zeolite resin) are specially designed to remove hard particles of magnesium and calcium using a resin or mineral, through a simple ion exchange process. A concentrated sodium/salt solution (brine tank) is drained through resin beads. The resin beads inside have a different or opposite electrical charge than the dissolved particles of the incoming water. Due to this difference in electrical charge, dissolved particles suspended in water adhere to the resin beads when they come into contact with them, thereby ridding the water of these particles, which softens the water leaving the resin. ‘device. Resin has a limit to the amount of hard particles it can contain, which is why there are conditioners (Lifetime Resin Warranty) and many sizes and grades of softeners and why regeneration or brining is necessary.
What is ion exchange?
Ion exchange is a process that eliminates ionized minerals present in water and which are the cause of its hardness. Calcium and magnesium ions are swapped for “ion exchangers,” such as sodium and negative ions from the resin beads in the brine tank. Water carrying the positively charged calcium/magnesium ions passes through the negatively charged beads in your brine tank. As water passes through the beads (or resin), they become saturated and cannot effectively attract more calcium/magnesium. This means that hard water will start flowing into your home. The ion exchange is followed by a process called regeneration.
What is regeneration?
Regeneration occurs when a concentrated sodium/salt solution (brine pan) passes through the beads and “washes” them, removing calcium/magnesium ions and flushing them out of the system. The brine tank is also rinsed of any excess salt and then refilled. When the system regenerates, it cannot produce filtered water. The process can therefore be scheduled to take place outside peak hours (for example at 3 a.m.), depending on your preferences.
My conditioner or softener no longer seems to be working or it is working, but the salt is no longer coming down. What can cause this problem?
This may be due to:
- The salt may have solidified on top of the water at the bottom of the brine tank. You must break the salt bridge. If in doubt please contact our service, 450 984-4414.
- The system is not regenerating due to a computer problem (on some models it will be displayed code 1) (the system needs reprogramming) please check the instruction book. For code 1 the reprogramming steps are in this document. If in doubt please contact our service, 450 984-4414.
- The system is not regenerating due to a mechanical problem. (on certain models this will display code 5 for a defective part requiring a physical repair service) Please contact our service, 450 984-4414.
If your water conditioner or softener is not working properly, please contact customer service at 450 984-4414.
My water suddenly tastes salty?
Avoid using water during backwash/cleaning at night, as it may taste salty for 24 hours.
If this happens, wait 24 hours, and the issue should resolve itself. If not, please contact us.
What is the Canadian Standards Association (CSA)?
All of our systems are CSA B.483.1 certified for drinking water systems. The CSA Group is a non-profit organization whose mission is to approve and disseminate standards in Canada. CSA Group offers a unique solution for testing and certifying plumbing products that provide drinking water or contain a filter, conditioner, water softener, iron and sulfur filter, reverse osmosis or ultraviolet ( UV).
What is the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF)?
The NSF is an inspection and certification organization that ensures that products meet public health standards. NSF certification is not a one-time event, but involves regular on-site inspections of manufacturing facilities and regular testing of products to ensure they continue to meet the same high standards required to maintain certification over time.
What to do in an emergency
Are you worried about a problem with your water treatment system? Rest assured. Here are the steps to follow in an emergency.
Shut off the main water inlet to your home
Close the supply valves on your system
You can turn the water back on in your home
Contact our team for rapid assistance
Enjoy pure water thanks to our solutions adapted to your needs
With professional and tailor-made installation by our team of specialists, ensure your family has filtered and healthy water.